De grasp ros: il Romagna Cagnina DOC, spiegato facile | Consorzio Vini di Romagna
October 2023 | Wine

De Grasp Ros: Romagna Cagnina DOC Explained.

A wine that must be enjoyed right after harvest, Cagnina – referred to using a feminine gender in common language – is made from Terrano grapes. Also known as “de grasp ros”, due to the red color of its stem, it is the ideal wine for autumn: enveloping and aromatic, perfect for the season of abundance.

Mosaico di Vita | Consorzio Vini di Romagna

In the captivating world of Romagna wines, Cagnina DOC holds a special place. But what exactly is “la Cagnina” – as Romagna locals affectionately call it – and what makes it so special?  

This wine has existed since the Byzantine era, when the first grapevines arrived from Istria. Its arrival has probably coincided with the first importation of limestone for the construction of churches, baptisteries and historical monuments in the area of Ravenna. Cagnina seems to have been named after the slightly tangy characteristics of this ancient grape variety: people used to say that it “bit” the palate

Even the grape used to make Romagna Cagnina DOC is engulfed in mystery. Initially erroneously associated with the “Canina Nera”, the historical grape variety used is, in fact, Refosco d’Istria, officially known as Terrano. According to the regulations of 1988 – the year when Cagnina obtained the Denominazione di Origine Controllata recognition on the label – Terrano must constitute at least 85% of the total blend. The rest can be made up of other black grape varieties from Emilia-Romagna’s regional list up to a maximum of 15%. 

In Romagna, Cagnina symbolizes autumn: every year, in October, Cagnina is produced with freshly harvested grapes. This is the period in which the grape fully brings out its potential as the perfect drink for evenings by the fireplace or for moments of relaxation at home. The wine’s bright red color recalls the warmth of autumn and the first fallen leaves, while its aromas evoke ripe fruits like grape, marasca cherries and red fruit. But what truly sets Romagna Cagnina DOC apart is its full and rich flavor that balances sweetness with a slight, characteristic astringent note on the finish

There is no better match to a slice of brazadèla – the traditional Romagna ring-shaped cake – or a basket of roasted chestnuts. See for yourself!